Jul 27, 2008

You want to play to Pong on your PS3 ? It's easy! You just need an USB key ! How to proceed ?


# Download the pack Ready To Use, available HERE.
# Extract the file (Winrar is recommended). You should get a directory known "AVCHD", place it at the root of a USB or memory card.
# Turn on your console.
# Connect your device on the PS3.
# Go now in the menu [video] in the XMB.
# Select your device, then [AVCHD], a small load and you can hop on the game!

The left stick allows you to control the "racket" on the left.
The keys "Square" and "Cross" you will respectively go up and down the racket to the right of the screen.

Note: Note that playing two on a single joystick is really not practical, so you can connect a second controller to more easily. Put yourself well agreed on the side that each player will take because each controller can monitor the two racquets, we're counting on you to not take advantage of the situation to win the point without any merit!


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Playstation Access Diseñado por Wpdesigner y adaptado por Zona Cerebral